The Mersey Forest

Services: Impact Campaign, Insights, Strategy, Communications

The Mersey Forest: Creating a 25 year impact campaign - Really Good Things

2019 marked 25 years since the plan for the Mersey Forest was approved by the Government.

We told the story of the nine million trees planted.


The Mersey Forest is a growing network of woodlands and green spaces across Cheshire and Merseyside - creating ‘woodlands on your doorstep’ for over 25 years. Through community and partnership working, The Mersey Forest Partnership has planted more than 9 million trees – equivalent to five new trees for every person living within the Forest area - with incredible environmental, health and wellbeing, and economic benefits.

How we worked with The Mersey Forest

We were commissioned to develop a campaign to evidence and communicate the positive impacts of the 9 million trees planted since the Mersey Forest’s inception. 

Through our work, we:

  • Developed a set of easy to understand metrics that translated tree planting numbers, scale of the newly created green spaces, carbon savings, and health impacts into clear and engaging facts

  • Interviewed people from different communities to create a set of case studies about how the newly created green spaces had positively impacted their daily lives

  • Designed a 12 month marketing and communications strategy to raise awareness of the new green spaces and forest areas, promote activities that communities could get involved in, highlight the economic and environmental benefits, and positioning the Mersey Forest as being a crucial part of the transformation of Merseyside and North Cheshire

  • Developed a creative campaign, heritage brand, and campaign assets


We told the stories of the people who have been involved along the way, putting on their muddy wellies to plant trees in all weathers.

The Mersey Forest: Creating a 25 year impact campaign - Really Good Things
The Mersey Forest: Creating a 25 year impact campaign - Really Good Things


Film: Scriptwriting - Really Good Things, Motion design - Craig Boylan

Campaign creative: Sneaky Raccoon and Kevin Lloyd

Photography with thanks to McCoy Wynne

Tasha Dobie

Founder of The Square Agency & Official Squarespace Partner

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