Getting ready for your charity’s 2023 Christmas fundraising appeal

With autumn well under way, many charities are now turning their attention to how quickly Christmas is approaching, and the annual question of what form the charity’s Christmas appeal should take. 

Here are a couple of things we’d recommend you consider to get the most from your festive fundraising this year. 

Cost of living crisis

Understandably, it looks highly likely that the vast number of charities this year will focus their festive fundraising on the impact that the cost of living crisis is having to their charity’s escalating operating costs, and to the living costs and everyday lives of the people they exist to support. To differentiate your cause, look to where you can position your charity as a solution, and give a tangible example of how a Christmas donation can help provide an answer to the current situation for people. It’s about creating a sense of collective action – a community coming together to make a very genuine difference – because everyone likes to feel part of something good. 

We think it should be Christmas every day 

Rather than creating a campaign which will only have a very short-lived Christmas shelf life, consider using the festive period to talk about your key plans as a charity in 2024, asking people to pledge in December to support your cause throughout the following year – even signing up to make a monthly donation throughout 2024. Describe how, with their support for the next year, Christmas 2024 could look very different for the people you support and the very real impact you could have on their lives – share these stories. Set out your stall for what your biggest priorities will be next year as a charity and take your donors on this journey with you – tell them about the change you will be able to create together with their support for 12 whole months, and even beyond. 

Really Good Things is a specialist social change consultancy, with 20 years’ experience supporting charities of all sizes and causes to fundraise successfully. If we can help with your 2023 festival fundraising, get in touch with us at 

Tasha Dobie

Founder of The Square Agency & Official Squarespace Partner

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