Telling Stories

Wonder Arts

Services: Brand Voice, Fundraising Strategy

Wonder Arts: A new narrative - Really Good Things

All images are with thanks to Wonder Arts and Marge Bradshaw Photography


Wonder Arts brings artistic experiences to children and young people out in the public realm, and in places you’d never expect.


Operating from St Helens in Merseyside, Wonder Arts provide wonderful artistic experiences that are different to the norm, creating happiness and enjoyment for the whole family, contributing to people’s wellbeing, and enhancing the lives of local communities, children, young people, and families. 

They work exclusively in communities in outreach settings to deliver arts engagement activities for children, young people, and families experiencing social and economic disadvantage.

Wonder Arts: A new narrative - Really Good Things

How we worked with Wonder Arts

We worked with Wonder Arts to create a new brand voice following their organisational name change, and to develop the copy for all their new marketing assets. We also worked with the organisation in its former guise, Citadel Arts Centre, to develop a new fundraising strategy and approach.


Cultural opportunities for children and young people experiencing social and economic disadvantage.

Arts performance
Child enjoying arts performance


Images with thanks to Wonder Arts and Marge Bradshaw Photography. All creative for this project was delivered by Kevin Lloyd

Tasha Dobie

Founder of The Square Agency & Official Squarespace Partner

A New Charity


Cultural Prescribing